Autonomous Nonprofit Organization "Interregional Testing Centre" (ANO ITC) is an independent expert organization that offers a wide range of services in such areas as:
- certification of software, information measuring systems, and hardware-and-software complexes;
- verification, validation, and testing of measuring instruments;
- testing, certification, and inspection of gaming machines (including bookmaker, lottery and gambling equipment).
For a complete list of services, please contact us at
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. ITC Testing Centre of gaming machines is accredited by the Federal Agency on Technical Regulation and Metrology of the Russian Federation (Rosstandart of Russia) with a right of testing gaming machines for their type approval and inspecting gaming machines for compliance with the approved type. ITC Testing Centre is registered in the Federal Register of the accredited organizations with a No. 3990-11. We offer services to federal and commercial organizations as well as to private persons. The principles of our work include individual approach to every client, reliability and high quality of our services. The head office of ANO ITC is located at Dmitrovskoe shosse 11, in Moscow, Russia. Other office is in Bryansk. You can find more details on the C ontact Us page.