One of the functions of the Russian Federal Agency on Technical Regulation and Metrology is federal metrological inspection and supervision over the observation of metrological rules and regulations in regard to gambling machines. This function is federally regulated to ensure the unity of measurements and the observation of legal rights and concerns of citizens while gambling. It guarantees that the player will receive the correct amount of winnings at the proper rate and will not be mislead as to the declared technical characteristics of the gambling machine, as regulated by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (article 1026).
ITC Testing Centre of gaming machines is accredited by the Federal Agency on Technical Regulation and Metrology of the Russian Federation (Gosstandart of Russia) with a right of testing gaming machines for their type approval and inspecting gaming machines for compliance with the approved type. ITC Testing Centre is registered in the Federal Register of the accredited organizations with a No. 3990-11 (Appendix).
To receive the type approval certificate, a gaming machine should pass several stages of tests: - examination of technical documentation - experimental tests - evaluation of testing procedures and product control during the manufacturing of gaming machines
Type approval tests of gaming machines can be of two kinds: tests of batch samples and tests of single samples.
Gaming machines are tested as batch samples when they must be manufactured or imported without quantity restrictions during a specified time. In these tests only selected samples of gaming machines are tested. There should also be a mandatory evaluation of test procedures and control during the manufacturing of gaming machines.
Tests of single samples cover gaming machines of unapproved types in operation, as well as gaming machines manufactured or imported in limited quantity or as singular items. These tests are also applied to machines whose type, manufacturer or release date are unknown or missing in the relevant documentation.
To establish the compliance of a gaming machine to the approved type, several kinds of inspection may take place: initial, periodic, or occasional inspection.
¤ Initial inspection is applied to gaming machines at their release, after repair or when importing them. Each copy of gaming machines is subject to initial inspection.
¤ Periodic inspection is carried out for every copy of gaming machines of the approved type in operation. It should take place two years after the type approval tests of gaming machines. Gaming machines in long-term storage may skip periodic inspection. If inspection results are positive, every gaming machine receives a copy of the inspection report. If results are negative, a testing center issues the unserviceability report of gaming machines.
¤ Occasional inspection is carried out for every gaming machine in operation when the inspection seal was damaged, including damage during repair.